How A Blind Date Turned To Marriage Proposal? Details Of Actor Nick Jandl Engagement to Regalia Thomas
October 01T00:00:00.000Z, 2015

Bad news ladies! The hot Nashville doctor played by Actor Nick Jandl is officially off the market. Nick Jandl announced his engagement to stylist Regalia Thomas and we have the glimpse of the massive engagement ring. The duo got engaged in private at a Los Angeles house but soon posed for their official engagement shots with Regalia showing off her huge ring. The details of this stunner is still a mystery but from the happy couples celebratory pictures of what it looks like, it could be a
vintage engagement ring or a diamond halo ring.
“Guess we should have seen the marriage things coming”, is what the couple wrote on their wedding web page. Considering they had about 10 dates in 11 days following their first meeting, a fantastic wedding ceremony right around the corner is a no brainer. But what is really interesting is the story of their first date.
It was a blind date! Who could have though a blind date would finally turn into a romantic engagement? For most of us blind dates are more often than not highly awkward moments with half of our dates not showing up at all. You’ll be surprised to know it was no different for our glowing couple here. Nick and Regalia met in the summer of 2010 on a date set up by their mutual friend Mike Doyle. They both decided to meet up at their friend Lenore Douglas’s place. He would now be serving as co-matron of honour at their wedding. Though quite nervous, Nick kept his word and arrived on his blind date but Regalia almost bailed out. As fate may have it, she finally decided to show up for the dessert. It was only then that the couple exchange a few awkward words and parted with a weird half kiss and hug. Now that we hear the wedding bells not so long from hence, this first date couldn’t have been so weird, could it? Though the pair certainly have some differences; Regalia Thomas supports the New York Giant while Nick is a huge fan of New England Patriots, that doesn’t seem to affect their relationship at all.
As the glowing couple are all set to say their sacred vows and exchange wedding rings on 4
th June, 2016 in Malibu, California, we are all but happy for the twosome. Congratulations to the pair and have a blessedly long married life with all the happiness in the world!