Male oblivion is annoying!
Want to know how to tackle it? Read on
We have all been in relationships that have kept us on our toes or have been a bit mysterious in its own way, in confusing us on how our partner is ready to commit to us or whether he is the man whom I see myself spending my entire life with. To be honest, there is never a proper or dead on answer to this but what we can tell you is, if you really love him and care for him- try dropping him a few hints about the idea of marriage. Common sense entails that he will get it, if he doesn’t and remains oblivious- ditch him! Sad but true. You deserve the best and if it’s not him, then say goodbye.
On the positive note, if you know he really is the one for you, read our points on how to get him to pop the question.
Watch married themed shows
Watching television or movies together with your boyfriend is always a fun thing to do, especially because you both get to snuggle up together. We suggest that you watch married themed shows like ‘my fair wedding’ or ‘the wedding story.’ We love the movie ‘the wedding planner.’ What this will do for the both of you is, it will get you into the worlds of the people who are in the rhythm of wedding bells. Who knows, it may just inspire him to propose to you.
Convenient ad placements, buy magazines
Conveniently buying wedding magazines and placing them around your apartment is super fun and cool. We suggest popping them on the shoe rack or near the kitchen sink to get his attention. He’ll definitely be impressed that you are intrigued and may just curiously browse through one of your magazines.
Bring him as your wedding date
Do you have a friend that’s recently getting married? If you do, then take him along with you to your friends wedding. It will be a nice event and to top it all up he’ll be pleased that you are inviting him. It’s a great hint to give off to him, in a subtle way of course.
Talk about married couples whom you admire
I have loads of mates who are married and are for sure the ideal couples. If you talk of your friends being really grounded and serious people who have their lives together, and you speak of how fascinated you are by their lives, this will inspire him. Married couples are real grownups that know responsibility and work on that. They do things together and this my friend shows your lover how serious you are to get serious.
Hang out with his parents
Have you been chilling with his family? Maybe go out for lunch with his mum or dad, or go to a wedding exhibition with his sister. Family bonding always works in confessing how serious you are about him. Call his family time to time too; that will show him that you care and respect his loved ones. It will take your relationship to another level.
Hang out with your friend’s children
Tell him how much you love children and get him into kids too, if he isn’t already. For example if you are out dining together and you see a real cute kid on the street, mention it. Maybe even walk towards it and pick he/she up. This will definitely show him that you are mother material. You emulate a sense of sensitivity and warmth. Which is inbuilt in women.
Tell him
One of the easiest and one of the hardest things to do is to tell him that you are ready to settle down with him and tie the knot. Telling him that you care about him and that you see him as your future husband is special and takes guts. We know you are a woman of substance and class and who knows exactly what she wants and this may be the reason you expect him to propose to you. This is why we suggest putting it straight out there and just telling him. Or, if you are a modern woman who is gutsy, ask him yourself with the classic promise ring, to marry you, of course.
We hope these points helped in getting him to pop the question to you, good luck on getting him to propose. In the mean time, why don’t you propose to him yourself?