Lab - Created Diamonds: Real or Faux?

So the number one doubt everyone has about lab-grown diamonds are their validity; so let's clear it, they are very much real. How they differ from naturally grown diamonds that are found in the crust of the Earth, is their method of making. Lab-grown diamonds are created in a 'laboratory' like the name suggests, under manipulated conditions that are altered to replicate the natural process that takes place during the formation of diamonds found in mines. There is a certain kind of stigmatized value attached to these naturally mined precious stones, they are a sight to behold, and possess a certain amount of status symbol along with them as “diamonds are forever” may be the most memorable broadcasting catchphrases ever to carry some geologic candour, the providence of these rocks in the Earth’s crust, in locations where we can effortlessly gain them, is distant from eternal. The value of this stone comes from its' limitation of accessibility in terms of quantity, especially keeping in mind the amount of time it takes for diamonds to form from carbon. We are seeking the same flawless sparkle on our fingers but feel limited from investing in one because of its' gigantic price tag, which in itself ironically creates our desire for it, the want increasing with its' visible state of rarity. Would you still be biased towards mined diamonds and not even glance at these factory made? Well, let me change your mind. Rephrasing, let me highlight an abundant few reasons why you'd like to change your perspective on this choice you make.

What are the advantages of a lab-grown diamond?

The Price:

Lab-grown diamonds are as affordable as they come compared to those that are mined, hence granting a larger part of the masses to be in possession of a diamond. Larger lab-grown stones are reachable at more obtainable price points simply because of the number of resources that go into creating them, definitely does not take as many eons and also requires just one team of knowledgeable scientists about this cutthroat technology that has blown away the mind of many with its' innovation instead of an entire research team and crew of laborers in an already impoverished country that does not receive its' worth, which in turn engages your participation in lowering an already poor countries' GDP, you don't want to be the reason why a country is poor, do you?


You can be so sure about not breaching human rights ethics when you plan to invest in lab-grown diamonds that you needn't even check with or ask for its certification in regards to its' mining originality. We at Fascinating Diamonds® strictly deal with Conflict Free Diamonds when this point arises to our minds, we do not wish to tarnish the value of ones' life by trading 'blood diamonds' that raise questions in terms with its' ethicality.

The Carbon Footprints

For every carat of diamond that is mined, nearly 100 sq ft of land is disturbed and almost 6000 lbs of mineral waste is created they do not require large scale mining which does have an ecological impact. The uprooting of minerally rich lands and mining them makes them unsuitable for agriculture and the displacement of humans, and livestock that in turn calls for more usage of resources. Lab-grown diamonds are not only humanely ethical but also environmentally. Making it a more eco-friendly choice to make, reminding you to be conscious of your surroundings and your power to influence it, in either a positive or negative manner.

The first lab created diamond wasn't constructed until the mid-1950s, Scientists with 'General Electric' built an alternative to natural diamonds: small, brown stones. However, we have come a long way from the 1950s and progressed into producing lab-grown diamonds with clarity that sparkles undiminishable like that of a natural diamond, produced at a full-fledged rate in the market, with simultaneous consumer demands.

In accordance with GIA’s James Shigley, the first and foremost experimental production of gem-quality diamond sprang in 1970. Yet by the early 2000s, gem-quality stones were still tiny, and manier times, tinted yellow with impurities. It was only in the last five or so years that methods for cultivating diamonds facilitated to the mark that producers began churning out sizeable, colorless stones steadily.

Lab-created diamonds are not fake.

We should discuss the fallacy that lab-created diamonds are fakes or not “real diamonds.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. You might be familiar with the term synthetic diamond and assumed this means fake. Now and then, these diamonds are labeled as synthetic diamonds. This description isn’t factually legitimate, as these “synthetic diamonds” construe of the same chemical and physical properties as mined diamonds. Actually, synthetic simply refers to the fact that these diamonds are man-made in a controlled environment.

Lab Created Diamond Rings

oval shaped bezel set split shank diamond ring in white gold FD11229OVRANGLE3 NL WG
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Split Shank Bezel Set Solitaire Ring

(Setting only)
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Studded Prong Halo Diamond Wedding Ring Set

(Setting only)
diamond prong stud halo engagement ring in yellow gold FD8498PRR NL YG
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Diamond Prong Stud Halo Engagement Ring

(Setting only)
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Diamond Prong Radiant Cut Halo Wedding Set

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